Thursday, November 11, 2010


Diet Center November 2010 Newsletter

Would you believe..

1.      The number of overweight people in the U.S. is currently 97 million American adults or 55% of the population (according to the National Institute of Health, June 1998).
2.      The number of overweight Americans increased from 25% to 33% between 1980 and 1991 and to 55% currently.
3.      The percentage of dietary fat American adults consume daily is 34% of their total daily intake.
4.      At any given time, 33-40% of adult American women are trying to lose weight.
5.      Nearly 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes are obese.
6.      Annually 300,000 deaths are attributable to poor diet and inactivity.
7.      Obesity related diseases approaches $100 billion dollars annually.
8.      Obesity more than doubles ones chance of developing high blood pressure.
9.      Almost half of breast cancer cases are diagnosed among obese women; and an estimated 42% of colon cancer cases are diagnosed among obese individuals.
10.  Americans spend an additional 33 billion dollars annually on weight reduction products and services.

 Pounds Are Falling…


Elga Owens - lost 16.5 pounds and 17 inches within 6 weeks!
In September 2010, I stepped on the scale and my worst fears came true.  I was 20 pounds overweight. I had been avoiding the scales and buying bigger clothes but now I was faced with a moment of truth; how was I ever going to get back on track? It seemed an impossible situation.
I talked with a friend who was in a similar situation and we decided to partner together and check out the Diet Center that had recently opened in our city.  Frustrated with myself and not knowing what to expect,  I hesitantly walked through the Diet Center doors.  That day changed my life.  I walked into a beautifully decorated center and my confidence was immediately bolstered by a positive and friendly staff.
I was assigned a weight loss consultant, Nikki Nemer, and very confidently and professionally she began to map out a diet plan that would work for me and my lifestyle.  I honestly can’t  believe how quickly I have been able to lose weight.  In 6 short weeks, I am four pounds from my goal.  I am feeling great and my self esteem is through the roof!  The information and assistance I have received will go with me the rest of my life and I am confident now that I can maintain a healthy weight.  Thank you Diet Center.  You have truly helped me transform my life!” - Elga Owens.

Lose To Live, Lose To Give CONTEST !
Congratulations to all of our Diet Center® Clients for losing a total of 325.5 lbs in the month of October!
Way to go Donna Dawson for winning the contest and losing 11.5 lbs!

                 “The charity I chose to donate to is the Wilson Crisis Center.  My decision was based on the fact that there are a lot of  needs in Wilson County that most of us don’t even know about or take the time to know about, but thanks to a great advocate for the community, Nancy Sallenger and her team at the Wilson Crisis Center do know these needs first hand and help on a daily basis to meet those needs.  I have no doubt and help on a daily basis to meet those needs.  I have no doubt that Nancy will be put it to good use and it is a wonderful feeling to know what this donation will bless someone that is in need of it,” - Donna Dawson.

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