Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Diet Center- Recipe of The Week

Holiday Dip

12 ounces low fat cottage cheese
1-tablespoon chives
1/2 tablespoon chopped green pepper
½ tablespoon pimento
¼ cup chopped scallion
½ cup skim milk
Dash of paprika

Mix all ingredients except skim milk and paprika.  Gradually add skim milk, until desired consistency of a dip.  Sprinkle with paprika.

For a smoother dip, in a blender, blend low fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of skim milk.  Mix vegetables, and sprinkle with paprika.

Serve with Diet Center Double Bites.

Yields 25 servings

Exchanges:  1 dairy, 14 calories, 3 grams protein, 1 gram carb, 0 fat, 4mg sodium